Thursday, May 3, 2012

Aspartame Vs Pregnancy

Is aspartame safe during pregnancy? Are there any side effects related to it? Let us find answers to these questions and more information here.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is used in a variety of products as a calorie free sweetener. It is made from aspartic acid and is a non-carbohydrate based product. More commonly this artificial sweetener is found in diet sodas and other diet drinks.
Firstly, let us have a look at the different allegations made by people and researchers about the usage and side effects of food additives aspartame. When consumed, aspartame breaks down to methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. These components or chemicals are believed to increase the risk for possible birth defects, specially in the brain development. Secondly, there have also been claims that aspartame increases the risk of development of several cancers in people. There are also speculations that consumption of aspartame leads to aspartame poisoning and several side effects like upset stomach, headache and increase in blood pressure. However, these statements have been dismissed by The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and it has stated that aspartame is safe for consumption for people. This is the general information. But, what is the effect of aspartame during pregnancy?
Is Aspartame Safe During Pregnancy?
Aspartame, as a product, is safe to consume during pregnancy. However, there are several other things that one needs to consider before thinking of having it. Firstly, aspartame is found mostly in diet sodas and other diet drinks which may not be safe to drink during pregnancy. In pregnancy, the baby gets the necessary nutrients from the mother’ diet. Hence, it is not advisable for the mother to consume foods that do not contain calories. A pregnant woman is in a greater need for calories, and hence, it is not advisable for her to consume foods containing low or no calories.
Secondly, most of the products containing artificial sweeteners may contain caffeine which is harmful for the health of the baby as well as the mother. On the other hand, women suffering from phenylketonuria (PKU) are at a higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy and childbirth if they consume aspartame. In severe cases, it may even lead to brain damage of the child. This is because the body of these patients cannot process the amino acids and phenylalanine. This genetic disorder is diagnosed at an early stage and women suffering from it should keep away from aspartame and foods containing it. As a precaution it is essential for women to read the labels of products, specially diet drinks, before consuming them.
Aspartame is not safe when taken in larger amounts. Secondly, the products that contain aspartame are not suitable for consumption during pregnancy. However, diabetic pregnant women can have this artificial sweetener in limited quantity when required. Lastly, it is always advisable to consult your doctor if you wish to know more on effects of aspartame in pregnancy, and see whether it is safe for you or not.

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