Thursday, May 10, 2012

Symptoms of Brain Tumor

The brain is the central processing unit of the human body. Therefore, it requires the most security during our day-to-day lives. Therefore, the brain is the most important organ of our body. Obviously, if the brain suffers any injury or complications, the results will be devastating for our entire body. One such is the brain tumor.
Brain Tumors are any tumors which occur in the brain due to uncontrolled cell division. Any tumor in the brain, lymphatic tissue or cranial nerves is termed as brain tumors. Like all tumors, tumors in the brain can be benign or malignant. Benign Brain tumors can be easily removed. Chances are that these tumors will not resurface once they are removed. However, the same cannot be said about malignant brain tumors. Malignant tumors are by far the most dangerous brain tumors. The growth of tumors in the brain is termed as brain cancer. Malignant tumors are life threatening and more serious than benign tumors. Brain tumors can also be spread from tumors growing in other parts of the human body. Such tumors are termed as metastatic tumors. Brain tumors originating in the brain are known as primary brain tumors.
Brain tumors are rarely diagnosed. Mostly, they are found while other routine brain imagery, and then it may too late. There are few causes of brain tumors known to humankind. Exposure to ionizing radiation andvinyl chloride is known to be causes of brain tumors. Apart from the known and confirmed causes of brain tumors, other factors thought to be causing brain tumors are the excessive use of cell phones and the artificial sweetener aspartame. Recently, a class action suit has been initiated against ‘Nurtasweet’. The lawsuit plans to provide fresh new evidence that the sweetener aspartame does indeed cause brain tumor in humans. It is also alleged that aspartame is not the true food additives, but a neurotoxic drug that induces a brain tumor agent, Diketopiperazine (DKP). ‘Nutrasweet’ is known to have been the cause for development of brain tumors and seizures during testing. Two individual scientific case studies of aspartame have concluded that it is possible that the sweeteners may be the reason for increasing the rate of progression of malignant tumors in the brain.
It is also known that patients with hereditary diseases like Multiple endocrine neoplasia, neurofibromatosis type 2 and Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome are more vulnerable to brain tumors. The symptoms of brain tumors will vastly depend on two factors. The tumor size and the tumor location play a major part in the symptoms of brain tumors. Some brain tumors may have no symptoms at all, and may be found by accident during routine brain imagery check-ups.
Herniation of the brain, or displacement of certain parts of the brain are also symptoms of brain tumor. In children, an increase in the diameter of the skull can be termed as a warning sign of brain tumor.
If a person without any past record of epilepsy seizures, he or she should check themselves for brain tumors. A new onset of epilepsy is one of the most common brain tumor symptoms. Some larger tumors cause head aches and vomiting with nausea. Somnolence, coma and other types of altered types of consciousness can be symptoms of brain tumors. One other early symptom of brain tumor is the dilation of the pupil towards the side of the lesion.
The symptoms of brain tumor also depend on the damage that the tumor is causing to the brain. Depending on the damage, there can be instances of behavioral impairment, cognitive impairment, partial paralysis of the body, loss of impairment or disability to comprehend language, clumsy motion of the limbs or the torso, impairment of the visual field and unintentional muscle movement of the body.

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