Sunday, August 12, 2012

Treatment of MSG Allergy

Abbreviation of the MSG, monosodium glutamate, a food additive used to enhance the taste of various dishes. It is commonly used in Chinese food, soups, meat processing, canned vegetables, etc., there are some people allergic to monosodium glutamate or MSG. MSG allergy treatment is based on the observation of the severity of the patient’s symptoms.
Here, I would like to clarify one point, MSG allergy is MonoSodium Glutamate intolerance. MSG intolerance can not digest this particular food components. This led to some minor gastrointestinal symptoms, such as stomach upset and nausea. On the other hand, MSG allergy is the immune system becomes this particular allergy original allergies, it is assumed that it is unnecessary foreign substances, which have a serious problem to be eliminated. Therefore, we can say body reacted strongly allergic reactions.
Shortly after most people are taking food containing this additive MSG allergy symptoms. Others may experience these reactions, a few hours later. MSG allergy, the most common symptoms are as follows:
Constantly nauseatic feeling is another symptom, the patient’s experience.
Another symptoms, headache, and continued twelve hours. During this time, people can feel in the face of pain or pressure.
Irregular heartbeat may experience, which often lead to pain and chest tightness, difficulty breathing, or breathing a wheeze.
MSG allergy patients experience severe abdominal cramps or pain.
The occurrence of allergic skin reactions feel itching, numbness of the face, neck, shoulders, chest, some people may also complain of burning sensation in these areas.
Swelling occurred in various parts of the body, such as the nose, tongue and throat.
Anaphylactic shock observed only in a few, but MSG is the most serious allergy symptoms, because it has serious consequences, such as a sudden drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness.
If the intake of small amounts of MSG, and then observed the minor symptoms such as headache and rash, usually subside within 2-3 hours, without any MSG allergy treatment. On the other hand, severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or chest pain, consume large amounts of MSG, it requires immediate medical intervention. The doctors first examine the symptoms, check out the food taken by the patient’s medical history and ask. Allergic reaction may trigger further confirmation, they may be a special allergy tests. In some severe cases, blood tests also.
Allergic to most patients require hospitalization, and closely monitor their situation. Epinephrine is the first one to these patients to alleviate their symptoms immediately. It helps to open up the expansion of the breathing tube, and restore normal breathing and breathing passages. In addition, the vasoconstriction, elevated blood pressure. It can be managed in two different ways. Severe cases, people with asthma or shortness of breath epinephrine inhalation injection. These patients can not breathe properly, given some oxygen through a tube or mask. Those who have severe difficulty in breathing and mechanical ventilation to keep a very short time span. Saline solution intravenously to raise their blood pressure.
The most widely used in the treatment of MSG allergy antihistamine. These drugs have the ability to deal with the effect of histamine release due to allergic reactions. If the patient can swallow the drugs, oral medication provides for others into the body. Corticosteroids to reduce swelling caused by allergy. Initially, oral corticosteroids for this purpose. It is often accompanied by allergic rash MSG allergy steroid ointment. Corticosteroids will continue until the swelling disappeared completely.
However, there is no such drug, can prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions. Thus, these people know they are allergic to MSG, must strictly avoid any of these foods contain MSG as an integral part. They should not eat MSG in Chinese restaurants are widely used for a variety of Chinese cuisine. Processing meat or canned vegetables from the supermarket to buy, you must carefully read the label to check if there is MSG or not.
OTHER ARTICLE: Pickling Salt

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