Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is Emu Oil

Emu oil is oil rendered from the fat of the emu. Each bird emu oil produced five to seven quarts (liters) of about the same amount. It has a wide range of uses, from cosmetics to machine lubrication. Aboriginal life in Australia before colonists settled there, Emu, is used as a source of food and other necessities, and use of emu oil pain and suffering of the age of a hundred years.
Emu is a similar ostrich flightless bird, like the ostrich, native to Australia. The settlers believed that their years of nuisance, emus can destroy crops, scurrying across the field, and is big and strong enough to break the walls.
Emu are now being raised as food animals, both in Australia and the United States, than poultry, beef meat. Emu meat is high in protein, also low in fat and cholesterol, and are in the sales of beef substitutes.
In skin care, emu oil is an effective emollient. Containing the quantity of fatty acids, it is an excellent skin hydration, and can act like collegen, full skin cells with moisture and smoothing tiny line. As a result, emu oil has been widely sold individually or creams, for use on the facial skin. Applied to burns, sunburn and abrasions, emu oil can reduce pain and blisters, even thought to reduce scarring. The study is ongoing for these several hospitals.
No known adverse side effects, the use of Emu Oil. It is considered to be very effective to relieve pain some pain, but experts suggest that, for carpal tunnel syndrome or other repetitive stress injuries. Their reasoning is that it may mask the pain enough to encourage users to continue to cause repetitive motion injuries, without modifying their conventional, which may lead to permanent nerve damage.
Emu oil is the most promising pain management. The study seems to indicate that in the double-blind studies in rats and humans, of emu oil joint pain for more than two weeks time significantly reduce pain and inflammation of arthritis. Emu oil penetrate the skin deeper than other emollients, it is also an effective medium for the introduction of other ingredients absorbed through the skin. Emu oil, eucalyptus and / or white camphor essential oils mixed muscle a little sore, rub proven to be effective.
OTHER ARTICLE: Cistanche Tubulosa Extract

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