Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Natural Food Preservatives

 Food preservatives can be natural or man-made substances. Based on their actions, they are divided into three categories. They are antimicrobial preservatives, antioxidants, preservatives and other third class of preservative, enzymes for the food itself. Antimicrobial preservatives inhibit microbial growth, such as bacteria and fungi and antioxidant preservative to inhibit the oxidation of fats, lipids and other food ingredients. The third class of preservative to prevent the aging of natural maturity and post-harvest food. In addition to the use of preservatives, there are other healthy ways to preserve food, for example, such as drying, salting, smoking, pickling and freezing process can also be saved food.
Studies have shown that many chemical food additives contain harmful substances. Therefore, it is a better choice of naturally occurring food preservatives, non-toxic.
Food preservation is a long time storage of raw and cooked food using food preservatives. On the other hand, food packaging, to protect the food, and provide information on packaged foods. Food preservatives added to food substances, in order to prevent decomposition due to poor chemical change or microbial action. The main goal behind the use of food preservatives to maintain the appearance of food, texture, flavor, edible and nutritional value, and also to prevent food poisoning.
Natural preservatives for food protection
The natural food preservative substances, such as salt, sugar, rosemary extract and vinegar. Among them, the salt, sugar and vinegar as additives or preservatives, ingredients, rather than They have been used in the formula itself, so they are also known as traditional preservatives preservatives. Now, let us identify these preservatives.
Salt: Salt has been used as ancient times, especially meat, the use of natural food preservatives. The bacon can last for years. Behind to join the phenomenon of salt as a preservative, the micro-organisms through the process of reverse osmosis dehydration. Therefore, inhibition of bacterial cause of food spoilage. The salt also protects the food of yeasts and molds.
Vinegar: Vinegar is acidic, it is not considered harmful chemicals or preservatives, is often used as a natural food preservative. It is prepared by fermentation of sugar and water solution, beyond the alcohol stage. Today, many people prefer homemade vinegar for sale outside. Vinegar contains 4-5% concentration of acetic acid. It is the acetic acid to kill microbes, hinder the deterioration of food. There are different types of vinegar depends on the sugar base, have been made from them.
The form of sugar: sugar, organic complex carbohydrates, have been used as a natural food preservative in many foods. Sugar recreational food and inhibit microbial growth through the reverse osmosis phenomenon. The food can be stored in the form of syrup or crystalline food to be stored, sugar, cook until the crystallization point. Sugar to draw out the water, bacteria and other microorganisms, can kill bacteria or inhibit their growth in vivo.
Rosemary extracts: rosemary leaf extract, also known as rosemary oleoresin have been used as a natural food preservative, because for a long time. It has been used in traditional and pleasant aroma and flavor. Rosemary leaves distillation of rosemary extract preparation. As a powerful antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of food ingredients, so as to maintain the color and flavor of food. Due to its anti-oxidation characteristics of natural compounds such as phenolic diterpenes, sage, carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid exists.
Many synthetic food additives on the market. As far as possible to avoid these chemicals, many of which are incorrect testing for sale. Some believe that the safety of artificial preservatives. However, it is observed, they found a number of toxins and carcinogens. Therefore, to avoid the description of food preservatives, and like the only natural preservatives and properly certified chemical preservatives. It recommended that in accordance with food safety rules, processing, cooking and food preservation.
OTHER ARTICLE: Nisin As A Food Preservative 

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