Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dangers In Stevia

If you are a regular user of stevia stevia potentially dangerous, you should know. We all know the consequences of eating an excessive amount of sugar, most of us choose sugar-free products, or the use of artificial sweeteners. Stevioside, aspartame is the most popular artificial sweetener used in many parts of the United States and the world, today some.
Stevia is an herb, in North America and South America. This herb is claimed to be approximately 300 times more than the ordinary sugar sweet, therefore, be used in various foods. Stevia’s potential danger, there are several theories, one should know.
Stevia has long-term side effects, which in recent years, controversy and doubt one of the reasons. Although it has been used by locals for centuries, several alleged dangerous stevia. The following is a dangerous or side effects of some of the rights of stevia.
First of all, it is said to be the biggest obstacle in the metabolic processes of the body. Regular consumption of stevia slow down or stop, therefore, the process of energy metabolism and the destruction of food into energy.
Secondly, the difficulties or problems in reproduction is also considered stevia one of the side effects. The long-term regular consumption of Stevia claims that affect the male reproductive system, in particular, led to the reduction of sperm production. When a female animal testing, found that the decline in the number of stevia lead to the future generations.
Third, one of the largest stevia dangerous is its link to cancer. In laboratory tests, it is found that stevia enables cell DNA mutations or genetic material. This is only a requirement of side effects, this effect was not observed human until date. However, scientists and researchers have not yet confirmed whether stevia might cause this mutation in humans or not.
These are some claimed that the Stevia sweeteners danger. However, these are just “claimed” potential Stevia dangerous. It also claimed that there is no evidence to suggest that these dangerous, therefore, controversial. In addition, the following are the most common problems.
Stevioside security for diabetics?
Answer ~ As for patients with diabetes to be more careful with their diet, they do not recommend to go, this product is not approved by the FDA, such as stevia. Although there is no cause side effects, it is best to consult a doctor before including this product in the diet.
Is stevia dangerous?
The answer to the claims and the lack of evidence, it can be said that there is no foolproof answer to this query. Controversy about the risk of stevia extract and use certain products. In this way, reduce the opportunity to limit the intake side effects.
Is Stevia safe during pregnancy
Can safely answer to Stevia has not been approved by FDA in the United States or other similar organizations in other countries. And there is also the potential side effects associated with it. Therefore, stevia is not recommended during pregnancy. And not risk their lives, you should consume the approved products and active safety.
In As these stevia dangerous, you can also read more about the other side of the story through the benefits of stevia. Finally, to answer the query, stevia bad? “It depends on the intake. Remember, to be on the safe side, it is wise to limit their intake rather than its customary or conventional food additives. Take care of yourself!
Kosher Gelatin

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